Tonka hands out 50 free desserts Barcelona

This Friday, July 14, Tonka will open a branch in the Gràcia neighborhood, in Barcelona, ​​and will be distributing 50 free desserts to the first attendees.

Tonka is a vegan pastrywhich uses organic and local ingredients.

In his store you will find breads, cakes and cookies made only with vegetable ingredients.

And on the occasion of the opening of their new branch, they will be giving away desserts to first 50 attendeesyou sign up?

The opening date will be July 14at 6pmin carrer Verdi nº 20, Gràcia.

How do I get the free Tonka offer?

Attend the opening of Tonka in BarcelonaEn carrer Verdi nº 20, GráciaThe date and time will be July 14, starting at 6:00 p.m.

get offer

If you want to try Tonka delicacies for free, don’t be long in coming.

Go for it!

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Written on: 07-12-2023 | (Valid until: 07-14-2023 or while stocks last) | by Claudia | Comment

By Geeke