Naruto and Sasuke have faced off with their signature techniques on multiple occasions, but which one is the most powerful?

Here we will tell you which jutsu is more powerful, the Chidori or the Rasengan

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One of the most important resources in the entire Naruto universe, definitely, are the Jutsu. These They are special and very versatile techniquesas they can be used for defense, offense, and much more. But, although we have seen a lot of these abilities throughout the series, the truth is that the most iconic ones are Naruto's Rasengan and Sasuke's Chidori.

These protagonists, due to their many conflicts in the series, They have ended up clashing their signature techniques on multiple occasions. But the results have never been entirely clear, as there have always been other factors that make a difference. Also, early on in the story we saw the damage these abilities can do when the boys destroyed some water tanks at the Konoha Hospital.

That is why we have prepared this post, in which we will tell you We will tell you which of these two Jutsu badge is the most powerful.

The operation of the Chidori and the Rasengan

The Rasengan and the Chidori work differently, as they are techniques that rely on different types of damage.

The Rasengan and the Chidori work differently, as they are techniques that rely on different types of damage.

Before defining any winner, it is important to know how both techniques work at their core. Starting with the Chidori, which is one of Sasuke Uchiha's most powerful Jutsus. This is a technique that the young man used for the first time in his fight against Gaara in the Chinin Exams. The real power of this skill comes from the precision and speed. of the blow, rather than explosive power. All of the lightning-natured chakra is concentrated at one point and is able to pierce through even Gaara's defense. Therefore, it can be used to hit smaller impact areas.

On the other hand, the Rasengan is not a Jutsu of any particular nature, as it is just an accumulation of chakra that continuously rotates at a point. Later, we see that Naruto applies its wind nature in the technique to convert it into other variantssuch as the Fuuton: Rasen Shuriken, which is one of the most powerful Forbidden Jutsu of all. Regarding the strength of the attack, it is based on a direct impact and not a piercing. The chakra is spinning and, in this way, it causes massive damage to the organs of whoever receives it.

Rasengan or Chidori: Which is more powerful?

The Rasengan deals explosive damage, while the Chidori deals piercing damage.

The Rasengan deals explosive damage, while the Chidori deals piercing damage.

As we have mentioned, both techniques are devastating and can end the life of their target. But making a direct comparison between them is quite complicated, mainly because their function and objective are different. On the one hand, Chidori is an ability that uses precision to hit a specific point on the target with a piercing blow. While the Rasengan is a big hit that deals continuous damage to your opponent.

It's no secret that Naruto and Sasuke, as they grew older and stronger, also created different variants of the Rasengan and Chidori. For example, Sasuke was able to combine This lightning technique uses the flames of Amaterasu for a more devastating attack. Meanwhile, Naruto, after receiving the chakra of the Sage of the Six Paths, was able to create Rasengan of a lot of different natures and with the power of the tailed beasts. Therefore, we can say that the young people maximized these techniques.

Although making a comparison is unfair, the truth is that the Rasengan has a small advantage over the Chidori, since the latter requires a lot of precision and speed, as well as the user hits a specific point to deal all the damage he is capable of doingOn the other hand, the Rasengan is not like that, but the user must simply hit his target with power, this can generate damage continuously and repeatedly in the enemy's cells, as the Rasen Shuriken does, for example.

None of these techniques should be underestimated, as They can end the life of any target. But, considering this, we can say that the Rasengan is somewhat superior to the Chidori.

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By Geeke