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If you are good at playing Fortnite this is your opportunity to become an Influencer of Kellogg’s Krave and enjoy all its flavor.
In this campaign of kuvut They are looking for Fortnite players to become the new influencers for their campaign.
If yours is chocolate and you are a true gamer, you will love to participate and enjoy free of these crunchy pads of rice, oats and wheat filled with a delicious mixture melted with chocolate and hazelnut.
How do I sign up for the Kuvut campaign?
sign me up
In addition to Kelloggs cereals, just for participating, you will earn points to improve your Kuvut profile and have more opportunities in future campaigns.
You can sign up to July 5th of 2023.
Go for it!
The information reflected in this article is dated 06-21-2023. Almost all of the content on which we report is organized by third parties and therefore is alien to us. This makes it necessary that, when visiting them, you check if the conditions that exist at that moment in their media continue to be the same.
Written on: 06-21-2023 | (Valid until: 05-07-2023 or while stocks last) | by Laura | Comment