Fripozo raffles 5 kits with airfryer t shirt and board game

Participate in the new raffle fripozo to be able to win one of the 5 kits that contain an airfryer, a t-shirt and a board game.

In the summer season it is common for the meetings among friends and family are at the top.

And if you have an upcoming meeting and you want it to be entertaining, don’t miss out on participating in the Fripozo raffle to win a prize that will save your hangouts.

will be raffled 5 sets that contain:

1 airfryer 1 Fripozo t-shirt “save a meeting” 1 board game (party & KO)

How do I participate in the Fripozo raffle?


You can participate until Sunday July 2nd at 11:59 p.m.

Good luck!

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Written on: 07-01-2023 | (Valid until: 02-07-2023 or while stocks last) | by Claudia | Comment

By Geeke