muestras gratis armani beauty luminous silk

Giorgio Armani gives the opportunity to test his foundation Luminous Silk but this time he does it with mystery since he talks about free samples or invitation.

If you didn’t know it, Luminous Silk is a makeup base highly recommended liquid by most makeup artists.

With it you will correct, unify and perfect the skin of the face, instantly achieving a radiant.

As I said, this campaign comes with some mystery since once you fill out the form to request the sample, they answer this:

Very soon you will receive your sample at home or your invitation in the email. We hope you enjoy the experience.

This invitation would be for a specialized service in one of its centers.

How do I get a free Giorgio Armani sample?

Request Sample


If everything went well, you will receive the sample at your home after a while or who knows if a invitation for a specialized service from Armani Beauty.

We will be attentive to find out what it consists of.

Note: I leave an estimated end date of the promotion, below, to follow up.

QUICK REFERENCE SHEETCategory: Free samples at home
(Click on the category if you want to see more promos of this type) Gift: sample of Luminous Silk or invitation to a specialized service Link:Free Samples Luminous Silk Mechanics: Fill in the form Bases Not found Time: 2 minutes

The information reflected in this article is dated 07-08-2023. Almost all of the content on which we report is organized by third parties and therefore is alien to us. This makes it necessary that, when visiting them, you check if the conditions that exist at that moment in their media continue to be the same.

Written on: 07-08-2023 | (Valid until: 09-07-2023 or while stocks last) | by Laura | Comment

By Geeke