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Donald Mustard, who is no longer part of the Fortnite team, has acknowledged in an interview for Game File that the events team had to dedicate their time to other activities

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We have already passed the ecuador from Season 2 Episode 5 Fortnitewhich despite having already received three updates, still has other pending issues of which we already know the content. Furthermore, if we talk about news in Epic Games' Battle Royale, we must mention the massive leak that it suffered with which everything that will come to the title this year was revealed, which has become more important now with a detail that confirms all the information a little more.

Apart from the collaborations, there are another distinctive element of Fortnite and we haven't lived for a long time: the events. In a recent interview with Stephen Totilo for Game File, Donald Mustardformer creative director of Epic Games, spoke about the reason for the absence of events in the title.

There are no longer events in Fortnite for this reason

The content creator Jorge_Most_ has been responsible for spread this information highlighting the two most important points. Donald Mustard was one of the most visible faces of Fortnite and had an incredible relationship with the game community, being a very important part of the team when it came to listening and taking into account what users wanted. Therefore, when It was decided that events would lose relevance in Fortnitefor him it was very hard: “For me it was devastating, because I thought this was really the magic of Fortnite, and not everyone at Epic agreed with that”.

After this statement, which served to confess that there was a disparity of opinions in the Fortnite team regarding the decisionMustard confessed that the moment at which the events lost relevance in the title was starting mid-2022. So Epic Games committed to building Lego Fortnite and Rocket Racing, but to prepare all this they needed many people and a lot of time. As a consequence, little by little the team dedicated to events had to start collaborating with these new featureswithout time to continue with what until then had been his work.

It is true that for many the current Fortnite content, including collaborations like that of Nike, which will arrive today and will be inspired by this sneaker model; wave of Star Wars, which already has an official release date; It is of great quality, but we must not ignore that Another part of the community also misses those events that brought together all the players. Maybe over time we will enjoy them again.

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By Geeke