Quite a hit of nostalgia for those who played the first franchise title in their childhood.

Promotional image of Crash Team Rumble, the MOBA spin-off of this renowned franchise.

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There are many important IPs in our industry, but today we are going to talk about the one with one of the most curious back stories, and that is that yes, as you may have guessed, we are referring to the Crash Bandicoot franchise. If you are not up to date with everything that happened with this saga, you are probably wondering why we say that it has a curious history, and that is that we are basically talking about a series of titles that were considered exclusive to PlayStation consoles, but that today in day They have entered the field of multiplatformthat is, it receives versions for all (or practically all) the platforms on the market.

We are now in what we can call “the modern era of Crash Bandicoot”, in which we have already received three titles, from Activision Blizzard, of this renowned platform game franchise (although one of these titles was a spin-off). off of races), among which we can include a fourth numbered installment that fell in love with a large part of the fans. Now, we expected everything to continue along these lines, but at that time Crash Team Rumble, a multiplayer title, was officially announced.

Now, we have been able to see a new trailer for this title, which will probably make fans fall in love of the first title of this franchise.

A whole trip back in time

Yes, as the headline says, we are talking about a trailer where we can see a level inspired by N. Sanity Beach, which, in case it doesn’t ring a bell, is the first level of the first game in this franchise. In this case, the name that the level receives within Crash Team Rumble is “Just Beachy”, although the moment you see the trailer you can realize what the inspiration has been.

Crash Team Rumble Its launch is scheduled for June 20., coming to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One and PC, that is, you can play it on any platform except Nintendo Switch. Also, you should know that we are talking about a MOBA title, but unlike other titles in the genre, it will be paid, with a standard version at €29.99, although if you want more content, or access to the battle pass, you can opt for the deluxe version of €39.99.

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By Geeke