zoey 101 chasing zoey

‘Zoey 101’ is an American comedy television series which follows the life of a young, aspiring writer named Zoey. She lives in Los Angeles with her boyfriend and their cat. The show features characters including Charles, Lola, Logan, and Dana Ramsey. These characters all have very different personalities, and each is unique in their own way.


Having a friend who likes to be a little crazy isn’t the only thing that makes Quinn chasing Zoey. She also has a pet rat, a snake, spider, and a pet alpaca. She is also known for her experiments and she is constantly trying to discover new ways to make people laugh.

After the breakup with Mark, Quinn starts dating Logan Reese. The two start a secret relationship, and they have to keep their relationship a secret from Michael. In Season 3, Quinn and Lola become roommates.

Before the series started, they didn’t like each other. But they eventually became friends, and they both liked each other.


Despite their similarities, Logan and Zoey are two very different people. Their friendship is unique and interesting.

The show begins when the two of them decide to start a web-based broadcast. They have their own segment “He Says, She Says” where they argue about gender preferences. It’s a great way to get more views on the show.

The other main star of the series is Quinn. She’s a geeky girl with a sensitive side. She is a student at PCA. She’s in a love triangle with Chase and James. She hasn’t resolved her sexual tension with Mark yet. She acts weird around Sara, a new girl in school.


During the first season of Zoey 101, Dana Cruz played Zoey’s roommate. She was replaced in the second season by Victoria Justice. Her character was actually an actress playing a fictional character.

Lola is a girly fashionista who gets along with everyone. She has a crush on Chase, the team’s star wrestler. Despite the fact that she’s the only girl on the team, she’s pretty good at basketball.

She also tries to win a beauty pageant with the help of her friend Logan. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know how to tell him that she has a crush. In the end, she’s disappointed by the outcome.


Originally created by Dan Schneider, Zoey 101 is a comedy drama television series that ran for four seasons on Nickelodeon. The show revolves around the life of two friends at Covington Preparatory Academy. These friends are Zoey Brooks and Dustin Brooks.

They are the best friends of Michael Barrett and Quinn Pensky. They are also best friends of Dana Cruz and Lola Martinez. Their fathers are working on a new reality TV show called “Gender Defenders”.

The series follows the lives of these four young friends as they deal with their parents, each other and their own romantic relationships. The climax of the season occurs when Logan and Quinn confess their love for each other.

Dana Ramsey

During the first two seasons of Chasing Zoey, Nicole is Zoey’s roommate. She is a typical girly girl and dislikes athletic activities. She is also jealous of her roommate’s new boyfriend, Dustin Brooks.

She also has a crush on Dustin and is jealous of his friendship with Trisha. She is afraid of new roommates. She gets along well with Lola Martinez. However, when she and Dana Cruz start a rivalry, she feels threatened. She hates her new roommate.

She is also good at sports. She is a student at PCA. She gets along with most of the students at PCA. She loves to make people laugh. She is also sensitive and gets nervous at times.


Several years after she graduated from PCA, Stacey Dillsen is back on the show. This time, she is a sophomore at San Francisco State University. She is the nerdy girl with the lisp who has been treated in a cruel way at times. She is often the victim of jokes. She is also the star of a group commercial.

Stacey Dillsen is played by Abby Wilde. Her best friend is Michael Barrett. The other main character is Dustin Brooks, played by Paul Butcher. Zoey Brooks, played by Jamie Lynn Spears, is the oldest sister of Dustin Brooks. Her roommate is Dana Cruz, played by Kristin Herrera.

By Geeke