Participate in the new raffle eroski and you can take one of the 9 cards of €50 to spend on your products with the BIO label.
In case you didn’t know, Eroski has a range of BIO products, as such, more natural and sustainable products.
But best of all, the products Eroski BIO They are affordable products, within the reach of all budgets. Because eating well and better has to be for everyone.
These products are produced under strict quality controls, respecting the environment and animal welfare.
You will be able to find products such as cous-cous, jams, pasta, kefir, vegetable creams, eggs, hamburgers, and much more.
How do I participate in the Eroski raffle?
Go into «Eroski raffle 9 cards of €50»Follow the Eroski Facebook account Mention the person you don’t want to miss out on the draw Comment writing “MUCH BIO” and add an emoji that represents it
will be raffled 9 cards gift worth €50 to spend at Eroski Bio.
3 cards will be drawn for each social networkInstagram, Facebook and Twitter.
you have until the day February 13th from 2023 to 12:00 noon.
Good luck!
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The information reflected in this article is dated 02-11-2023. Almost all of the content on which we report is organized by third parties and therefore is alien to us. This makes it necessary that, when visiting them, you check if the conditions that exist at that moment in their media continue to be the same.
Written on: 02-11-2023 | (Valid until: 02-13-2023 or while stocks last) | by Laura | Comments Off on Eroski raffles 9 cards of €50 in BIO products