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The company confirmed a computer attack from Russia in January 2024

Microsoft confirmed a computer attack from Russia in January 2024

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Microsoft has confirmed through a statement on its website that has suffered a cyber attack by a Russian group that has managed to hack and gain access to several internal systems and the company's source code. According to the company, the attackers are sponsored by the state known as Midnight Blizzardsomething that has been confirmed by seeing that “they are using information initially extracted from our corporate email systems to obtain, or attempt to obtain, unauthorized access.”

The company has explained to users that The attackers have had access to some repositories of the company's source code, as well as its internal systems. However, the Russian group was unable to access the “customer support systems hosted by Microsoft”, so Users' entire personal data should not have ended up in the hands of hackers.

However, the published statement does mention that The attackers could have found specific data through the accessed emailsso through these emails specific data could have been obtained from some users who have provided personal information by email to Microsoft.

Microsoft will continue investing in cybersecurity

While other attacks such as that of Rockstar Games were to leak GTA VI, “it is evident that Midnight Blizzard is trying to use secrets of different types that it has found,” they continue to explain in the statement. However, and to calm users who may feel affected, Microsoft confirms that it is contacting all affected customers to help them take possible mitigation measures.

This serious attack was confirmed in January of this year, when Microsoft opted to improve and invest in cybersecurity to guarantee the security of private information. The company has also started an investigation to obtain all the information about the Russian hackers in order to solve everything that is generated because of them.

“Our active investigations into the activities of Midnight Blizzard are ongoing and the results of our research will continue to evolve“, they conclude the statement, adding: “we remain committed to sharing what we learn.” Last year, the president of the company stated that gaming communities were receiving attacks from Russian intelligence.

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By Geeke