The Alters promises to offer a unique adventure that will offer you hours of fun and different endings

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The Alters was presented at the Xbox Partner Preview and is a title that managed to attract a lot of attention from viewers due to what it plans to offer. The story takes place through Jan, a person who has several alter egos and who you will have to take care and watch so that they don't try to make things more complicated for you than they already are. In this title you will have a very interesting story that we are now going to tell you so that you can discover some details that the game will offer.

The colleagues at IGN have had an interview with the director, Tomasz Kisilewicz, and the chief designer of The Alters, Rafał Włosek, and the truth is, they have left nothing out. It is clear that the developer wants the public to enjoy this curious title and it seems that you will be looking at a game that will offer you many hours of fun. Who would you have become if you had made different decisions? That is the premise that The Alters presents, so the narrative script promises to be really interesting. Who knows, maybe you'll even be a different person when you finish the game.

In The Alters, you play Jan, a worker on a mining mission that doesn't go too well. In fact, you find yourself stranded and alone on a strange planet after your ship crashes, as it could not be otherwise, Jan wants to return home and For this you will need the help of the alters, alternative versions of themselves who have made different choices in life. Alters are completely different, with abilities, dreams, ambitions and fears. And of course, decisions that have shaped his personality.

This is The Alters

When asked by our colleagues about how these alters will work, the game's lead designer has confirmed that depending on how you get along with them, they will be able to help you in your work and on your mission back home or, on the contrary, they may also decide to put their hats on you. difficult things, so you better be very careful. You will have to have a good base and make the alters comfortable, of course, there will also be decision making that will be complicatedso a truly epic narrative is coming.

To get along with alters, we will have to understand the emotions they have and what people they become due to their life decisions. Emotions are managed by a fairly sophisticated emotional system that is more complex than just feeling good or bad, and a single bar. And because of that, we can have emotions like frustration or rebellion. They may be happy about something or maybe stressed, or sad. And all those different emotions allow us to create different alters who act differently, because then those emotions translate into the things they do. Thus, they can rebel against the player or help him in some way, or perhaps boost the morale of the crew. Or, on the other hand, they may be so sad that they don't want to work anymore.

If that doesn't seem enough to you, you should also know that the relationship with the alters and the events that happen during your game can affect the story. That is, the game will play out in one way or another depending on your relationships with the rest of Jans, something that has not gone unnoticed and has managed to attract a lot of users' attention. It certainly seems that The Alters is ready to offer something really great and the developer has done a great job.

On the other hand, the director wanted to go into a little more detail and described how the protagonist's relationships with the alters will affect him. Not only that, but he has also commented that as these have different personalitiesthat could affect coexistence with the crew, pay attention, because here we leave you his words.

We bring new alters to the base to solve problems that Jan, the main Jan, couldn't solve on his own. So, for example, we can bring in the scientist Jan, who will be able to research and create technology that will allow us to move our base and escape from the sun. And he solves our problem. But at the same time, we're bringing a new person to the crew with a whole new personality. Jan's scientist is a very ambitious alter ego. He might soon begin to undermine our decisions as a leader. So while we solve one problem, we are creating new ones.

Remember that The Alters will be available this year. Although there is still no specific day for you to enjoy it, there is little left until you can enjoy Jan, the alters and the incredible story you can create.

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By Geeke