Compo Gardening raffles substrate and fertilizer pack

Do you have a garden at home? Participate in the photo contest Compo Gardening to win a pack of substrate and fertilizer for your plants.

Compo Jardinería is a brand of substrate and fertilizers for indoor, balcony and terrace plants.

And if one of your passions is plants or you have a garden at home, you should know that you can win a prize by participating in this photography contest.

He prize It will be a pack that contains:

Compo BIO Universal SubstrateCompo BIO Universal Fertilizer

Participating is very easy, you just have to send a message to Compo Jardinería, and attach a photograph of your plants or garden.

Every month you will have a new opportunity to participate! The best photo of plants or garden will be the winner.

How do I participate in the Compo Jardinería draw?


We do not know exactly the day the draw will end, but since it is a monthly draw, it could be until January 31, 2024.


Note: I leave an estimated end date of the promotion, below, for tracking purposes.

The information reflected in this article is dated 01-26-2024. Almost all of the content we report on is organized by third parties and is therefore unrelated to us. This makes it necessary that, when visiting them, you check whether the conditions that currently exist in their media are still these.

Written on: 01-26-2024 | (Valid until: 01-31-2024 or end of stock) | by Claudia | Comment

By Geeke