The decision has been made without prior notice.

Call of Duty had numerous titles on Nintendo DS and Wii

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Wii and Nintendo DS Call of Duty games they have shut down their servers without notice. Although the games were not as popular on Nintendo platforms, a part of the community was certainly active. However, this small part of the gamer set will no longer be able to enjoy these games on the big N consoles.

Nintendo’s CoD games haven’t gone the way of Xbox’s

Recently, due to Microsoft’s lawsuit with the FTC, Activision fixed the problems in the online games of the Xbox Call of Duty. With this move, it seemed that Activision had begun to take into account the games of the old console saga. However, with the closure of the big N game servers, the nintendera community has not benefited as much from Activision’s decisions. Even so, the community of CoD players on the Wii and DS has dwindled over the years, leading Activision to weigh just how worth it to maintain the servers for these games.

Players attempting to play these Call of Duty will be met with this type of message: “Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service has been interrupted for this software.” Others, however, thank the players for playing these games while confirm that the servers are no longer working. These are the games that no longer allow online play:

Call of Duty 3 (Wii)Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Wii y DS)Call of Duty: World at War (Wii y DS)Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (DS)Call of Duty: Black Ops (Wii y DS)Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ( Wii y DS)

Call of Duty on Nintendo consoles

Despite the fact that these games will no longer continue their online service, Nintendo is still interested in bringing the Call of Duty saga to future consoles. Thanks to the agreement signed between Microsoft and Nintendo, Call of Duty will be released over 10 years on the company’s future consoles.

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By Geeke