artificial intelligence ai

The evolution of AI puts some traditional jobs in the video game industry at risk.

AI aims to be the next big revolution in the world of technology

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As we have seen in recent weeks, AIs have taken on great relevance in the world of technology in an accelerated manner and has even had its first steps in video games, being able to program a game like Pong in just a few hours. These tools that until now seemed typical of science fiction cinema aim to be one of the great revolutions in the sectoralthough that can negatively impact in traditional professions. Google would be one of the first companies to raise the replacement of QA Testers by AIs.

The debate on whether artificial intelligence will end up replace human labor It’s a bad day than ever, and although it might still be early to see this scenario, could be a reality in the medium and long term.

The future of AI in the world of video games

Until now, the job of a QA Tester consists of the process of quality control of video games and other softwarebut a patent published last week, titled Efficient Gameplay Training For Artificial Intelligenceproposes how one could use AI to automate the process which currently falls to human workers (via GameRant).

Google patent to automate the work of QA Tester through AI

Google patent to automate the work of QA Tester through AI

This patent is especially inquisitive with groups of professionals in the field of QA Testers, blaming them on behalf of the delays of numerous games and the existence of errors in them due to the increasing complexity of modern releases. Despite the fact that many developers could agree on this point, in terms of the difficulty of detecting errors and the laboriousness of the process, it is worrying that the possibility of dispense with an entire union of workers to replace them with an AI.

For now it’s just an idea, but it is logical to think that technology will evolve and in the medium or long term, help to automate certain processes that until now have been done manually. We will see what consequences does it have in the future within the sector of video games and other types of productivity and entertainment software.

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By Geeke