Rooster brings a raffle and there will be a single winner who will win a whole year of gluten-free pasta as a prize.

On May 16, Celiac Day is celebrated, a day that seeks to raise awareness in society about this condition, which affects a large part of the population.

Gallo offers a range of gluten-free pastas, made with and based on 3 cereals: white corn, yellow corn and white rice.

You can make your usual dishes, pastas, salads, lasagna… but now gluten-free.

He prize It will be one year of Gallo's gluten-free pasta range.

How do I participate in the Gallo draw?


You have time until 15 th of May at 11:59 p.m.


You can consult the legal bases at this link.

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Written on: 05-03-2024 | (Valid until: 05-15-2024 or end of stock) | by Claudia | Comment

By Geeke